Lets complete some projects


Most of the furniture in the school are very old. They go through repairs so many times and no more in a good shape.

Unfortunately in most of the classes in the kindergarten and primary, children pair on chairs that belong to only one child.

A desk for a child in primary class cost $50.

A kindergarten set of furniture cost $300 (a round table with 7 chairs)

Some teachers tables and chairs are broken and need to be replaced at cost of $80 per set of wooden furniture.

We 6 kindergarten set and 50 primary set of furniture.


A door for the Junior High school need to be fixed to avoid chicken and other animal coming in to poo in the night before the children come to school . This can be fixed with $40.

Floors of classrooms

Most of the floors of our classrooms are really not beautiful due to the fact that due to lack of money we could not get professionals to handle them for us. It is nice to make things beautiful once for the children.

We have 2 floors in this condition. Renovation of the classroom floor shall cost $500. A duration of one week shall be used to fix it.

Plastering and Painting

Some of our classrooms are uncompleted without plastering and painting. Children like painting and nice environment to learn so we appeal to our volunteers and donors to support us complete these projects.

$450 to complete all plastering both indoors and out doors

Kitchen Renovation

We have a kitchen that can cook for very small amount of children.

T be able to contain section for all the students, we need bigger cylinder an burner, refurnish of the kitchen to make things organized. Lack of unorganized kitchen forced Margaret to cook outside.

With the help of $1500 we can complete plastering, ceiling, painting, counters, shelves and buy bigger oven for the cooking.